Is It Illegal To Play Loud Music After 11 pm?

Is It Illegal To Play Loud Music After 11 pm?

Noise is inevitable in our daily lives, but it could be more disturbing, preventing you from sleeping well, working, or doing assignments when it isn’t controlled. Perhaps you just got home after a long day at work hoping to sleep soundly, but you are being disturbed by the music played by your neighbor. Then, you must be wondering if it is right for your neighbor to play loud music at night. Is that right? Let’s find out. “Is It Illegal To Play Loud Music After 11 pm?

Of course! It is illegal to play loud music after 11 pm. Many people get back home from work or school hoping to relax before the next begins. So, playing Loud Music during the period of 11 pm to 7 am is considered a disturbance – noise pollution, to be precise. 

As a matter of fact, the UK Noise Act from 1966 which is still in effect states that the period of 11 pm to 7 am is considered as night hours. Hence, if you’re playing loud music within that time frame, you’re violating the rules. 

The US also follows the rules of the Noise Control Act of 1972 and the Quiet Communities Act of 1978. The guidelines of this institute are to protect the citizens from the effect of being exposed to noise. 

However, the laws regarding playing loud music at night could differ by state or province. For example, in Los Angeles, from the time frame of 11 pm to 7 am on weekdays, it is known as quiet hours. On weekends and holidays, the period of 12 am to 10 am is considered quiet time. But it could be different in another country or province. 

In addition, during the time 11 pm to 7 am, the sound of your music shouldn’t be above 50 decibels. And during the day, it should not exceed 60 decibels. 

Can I play music at night?

Yes, you can play music at night. But you need to ensure that the sound of your music isn’t too loud enough to disturb your neighbors.

Many communities or provinces have noise policies that are required to be heeded by all individuals. Any violation of the policy could result in the paying of fines or other punishment that’s unknown. 

Understandably, you can’t sleep or read without music, but there are other alternatives to listening to music without disturbing those around you. You can make use of your headphones or earbuds. Even if you insist on playing the music out loud, ensure the sound is below 50 decibels. 

What to do when you’re being disturbed by loud music after 11 pm

Most times, there are some things that can be done to easily solve the noise issue around you. While in some cases, there’s nothing you can do than to report the issue. 

Here are what you can do when you are being disturbed by noise. 

Soundproof your home 

One of the easiest ways to avoid reaching out to whomever or whatever that’s disturbing you with noise is by soundproofing your home. Most times the noise might not be coming from your neighbor, it could be from moving cars, companies closer to you, or clubs. So, the only option that can stop the noise from seeping into your house is soundproofing. 

You can try soundproofing your door, you can try adding extra layers to your wall, you can use soundproofing curtains, you can also soundproof your floor if the noise is coming from the flat beneath you, or you can try soundproofing your window. 

All you have to do is know when the noise is passing through and pick any of the guides below to help you. 

Soundproofing guides that can help you:

Reach out to your neighbor 

If you find out that the noise is coming from your neighbor’s house, you can reach out to him or her. Now, instead of shouting or talking aggressively, speak politely. 

Explain how you’re being disturbed by the music they play and how you’d appreciate it if the volume of the music is reduced. 

Doing this will help your neighbor understand your plight and he should be kind enough to make an amendment after hearing you speak calmly. 

Nb: you can do this two to three times if your neighbor doesn’t stop after reaching out once. 

Protect yourself from the noise

Though one way to protect yourself from noise is by soundproofing your room, but you can also protect yourself by using noise-cancelling earbuds or headphones. 

If you don’t have one you can purchase Technics Wireless Noise Cancelling Headphones. These headphones will help you isolate yourself from the noise. You’d be able to study better or even sleep well. 

Contact the house owner

If your neighbor still keeps playing loud music, you can contact the house owner. The house owner would know a better way to reach out to your neighbor. 

Many house owners often include noise rules in the house agreement policy, so the landlord might decide that your neighbor will leave the house if they don’t stop playing loud music.

However, in the case where you’re the owner of the house, you’d have to report your neighbor to the police or the community officials in charge of noise. They will know how to handle the issue better.

How do I deal with my neighbor playing loud music?

It can be really frustrating when you can’t enjoy your sleep or your privacy in your own space, due to the fact that you’re always disturbed by the loud music played by your neighbor. But what should you do? 

The following are the most advised steps to take to deal with your neighbor playing loud music. 

  • Communicate with your neighbor. Agree or not, communication is key. It prevents unnecessary arguments or chaos. The best way to deal with your neighbor playing loud music is by communicating with them. By letting them know how the volume of the music disturbs you. This way you’re dealing with them politely and in a friendly manner. 
  • You can reach out to community housing associations. These associations are organized to help neighbors or people living in a community to come to a mutual agreement. Doing this has reduced the number of conflicts between neighbors or housemates. Inform any of the heads of the housing association about your neighbor and they’d know how to talk to him or her. 
  • Report to the police or the house owner. If after communicating with your neighbor or reaching out to the housing associations in your community regarding the issue and your neighbor keeps playing loud music, then you can proceed to report it to the house owner or the police. 


Can I be loud during the day?

Yes, you can be loud during the day – but not too loud. Literally, you’re allowed to play loud music from 8 am to 10 pm during the weekdays. And while playing loud music, you should ensure that the sound of the music isn’t more than 60 decibels. If it is more than that sound, then you’d be violating the noise act policy. 

In addition, you should consider your neighbors when playing your music. If playing loud would disturb them, kindly refrain from doing so. 

Can I listen to music overnight? 

Of course, you can listen to music overnight. This is only acceptable if you’re not playing the music loud enough to disturb your neighbours. You can try using earbuds or headphones, but make sure you don’t wear them to sleep. 

Wearing them to bed can make you uncomfortable or cause ear irritation, and your ear canal could be injured if you roll over with your headphones or earbuds on. 

Is it ok to use earphones while sleeping?

Yes, it is okay to use earphones while sleeping. As a matter of fact, research has made it known that using earphones to bed makes you enjoy a sound sleep. You’d tend to relax better while listening to the right music. 

Also, using earphones to sleep helps you block out unnecessary noise around you. You can call this soundproofing yourself, particularly when you have a neighbour that disturbs you with loud music. 

However, the negative side to using earphones to bed is that wax can easily build up in the ear due to the prevention of air circulation of the headphone seals. 

Final Verdict – Is It Illegal To Play Loud Music After 11 pm?

According to all that was discussed in this blog post, it is illegal to play loud music after 11 pm. This is because the period of 11 pm to 7 am is considered “quiet hours” in many countries or provinces. Hence, not succumbing to this policy could result in paying fines or other punishments. 

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